Assessing the Total Levels and Health Risk of Presence of Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead and Zinc in Most Smoked Tobacco Sold in Alassaba Municipality-Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract:
Tobacco is one of the sources that may introduce several heavy metals into the bodies of positive and negative smokers, leading to harmful effects on smokers’ bodies. Because a major number of Libyan populations are smoking different brands of cigarettes alongside raw tobacco leaves which may affect our citizens’ health, accordingly 10 cigarette brands comprising Bon International, Gold Mexico Original, Camel Yellow, D&G, Milano London, Milano, Oris Fliter. Karelia Ligts, Yes and Libyan brand named Ryadi, and another sample of raw tobacco leaves (LRT) planted locally were collected randomly from local shops distributed in Alassaba municipality with aims to determine the total concentration of Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) and calculate the health risk related to the presence of these metals in the most consumed tobacco. The obtained results showed that all collected tobacco samples contained various levels of Cd, Co, Cu Pb and Zn (mg/kg) ranged from 0.38 ± 0.07 to 0.84 ± 0.01, 0.33 ± 0.04 to 0.5 ± 0.07, 15.29 ± 0.88 to 18.75 ± 0.72, 0.42 ± 0.04 to 1.04 ± 0.11 and 14.33 ± 0.33 to 32.45 ± 2.09, respectively. The mean levels of Co, Cu and Zn were within the allowable levels set by the World Health Organization (WHO), whereas Pb and Cd levels were above the acceptable levels. The calculated harm quotient (HQ) of target metals were greater than 1 representing extreme health risk due to the presence of Cd, Cu Pb and Zn in studied tobacco, nevertheless, the HQ of Co were lower than 1 presenting minimal health risk to the smokers. In conclusion, there is a need to emphasize the regulation of the import and tread of tobacco and monitor the content of heavy metals in tobacco to reduce the health effects of these cigarette brands.
Keywords: Cigarette brands, Heavy metals, Health risk, Smoking, Tobacco.
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (11-2024), African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS): الاكاديمية الافريقية لدراسات المتقدمة, 4
Production of a Cold-Active Lipase by Fusarium Solani
Journal ArticleA B S T R A C T
The current study aimed to the production and partial purification of a cold-active lipase by some fungi isolated from the olive oil processing wastes in Al-Gabal Al-Gharby, Libya. 31 fungal species from 12 genera were isolated. F. solani was the most prevalent comprising 94% of total Fusarium and 28.7% of total fungi, 102 fungal isolates were tested for their lipolytic activity on lipase production agar medium at 10 and 20°C. The most active isolates were Alternaria (2 isolates), Fusarium, and Penicillium (1isolate for each one). Molecular identification of the most active four isolates was carried out by their sequencing (ITS). The four powerful fungal strains' production of cold-active lipase was maximized by optimizing some nutritional and environmental factors. F. solani AUMC 16063 was able to produce the maximum amount of lipase activity (46.66U/mL/min) with specific activity (202.8U/mg), utilizing ammonium sulphate as a nitrogen source after 8 days of incubation at pH 3.0 and 15°C. However, at same condition after 6 days when yeast extract was employed as a nitrogen source, the generated cold-active lipase displayed the highest specific activity of (1550U/mg) and lipase activity (36.74U/ml/min). This is the first study in which the production, partial purification, maximized and characterization of a cold-active lipase enzyme by Fusarium solani.
Keywords: cold active enzymes, Lipase, Fusarium solani, lipolytic activity, specific activity.
Mohamed A. Alryani, (09-2024), جامعة الزاوية: مجلة جامعة الزاوية للعلوم الطبيعية, 1
Production of a Cold-Active Lipase by Fusarium Solani
Journal ArticleThe current study aimed to the production and partial purification of a cold-active lipase by som fungi isolated from the olive oil processing wastes in Al-Gabal Al-Gharby, Libya. 31 fungal species from 12 genera were isolated. F. solani was the most prevalent comprising 94% of total Fusarium and 28.7% of total fungi, 102 fungal isolates were tested for their lipolytic activity on lipase production agar medium at 10 and 20°C. The most active isolates were Alternaria (2 isolates), Fusarium, and Penicillium (1isolate for each one). Molecular identification of the most active four isolates was carried out by their sequencing (ITS). The four powerful fungal strains' production of cold-active lipase was maximized by optimizing some nutritional and environmental factors. F. solani AUMC 16063 was able to produce the maximum amount of lipase activity (46.66U/mL/min) with specific activity (202.8U/mg), utilizing ammonium sulphate as a nitrogen source after 8 days of incubation at pH 3.0 and 15°C. However, at same condition after 6 days when yeast extract was employed as a nitrogen source, the generated cold-active lipase displayed the highest specific activity of (1550U/mg) and lipase activity (36.74U/ml/min). This is the first study in which the production, partial purification, maximized and characterization of a cold-active lipase enzyme by Fusarium solani. Keywords: cold active enzymes, Lipase, Fusarium solani, lipolytic activity, specific activity.
Joheni Mohamed Alhadi Jwely, (09-2024), University of Zawia Journal of Natural Sciences (UZJNS): مجلة جامعة الزواية للعلوم الطبيعية, 1
تقييم جودة المياه الجوفية بمنطقة الجوش-غرب ليبيا
مقال في مجلة علميةجاءت هذه الدراسة بمثابة محاولة اولية لتقييم جودة المياه الجوفية في منطق الجوش، بعد ملاحظة التغير الحاصل في طعم المياه وصفاتها. أخذت 12 عينة متنوعة ما بين العيون الطبيعية والآبار الجوفية المنزلية والزراعية، وأجريت عليها التحاليل الكيميائية التالية: الرقم الهيدروجيني، التوصيلية الكهربائية، الأملاح الكلية الذائبة، العسرة الكلية، تراكيز، ايونات الكالسيوم والماغنيسيوم والصوديوم و الكلوريد والكبريتات والنترات والبيكربونات.
أشارت نتائج التحاليل عند مقارنتها بالمواصفات القياسية الليبية ومواصفات المنظمة العالمية للصحة ان اغلب العينات كانت غير مطابقة للشروط القياسية؛ حيث تراوحت قيم التوصيلية الكهربائية بين (1772-13006) ميكروسيمنس/سم، وسجلت العينة (1) أعلى نسبة تلوث وأدنى نسبة كانت للعينة (8) كما أوضحت النتائج أن هناك محتوى عالي من الأملاح الذائبة الكلية والتي تتراوح قيمها بين (1152-8490) ملجم/لتر، قيم الرقم الهيدروجيني كانت ضمن الحدود المسموح بها وتراوحت نتائج العينات بين (6.94-8.09). وتراوحت قيم العسرة الكلية بين (680-3303) ملجم/لتر سجلت أعلى قيمة العينة (1) وأدنى قيمة للعينة (8)، ويتراوح تركيز أيون الكالسيوم بين (96-761) ملجم/لتر، سجلت العينة (1) أعلى نسبة تلوث وتراوح تركيز أيون الماغنيسيوم بين (63-408) ملجم/لتر سجلت العينة (6) أعلى قيمة والعينة (7) أدنى قيمة، وتراوح تركيز أيون الكلوريد بين (355-4153) ملجم/لتر سجلت العينة (1) أعلى قيمة والعينة (8) أدنى قيمة ، وتراوح تركيز أيون الصوديوم بين (311-1200) ملجم/لتر؛ حيث سجلت العينة (1) أعلى قيمة وأدنى قيمة للعينة (8)، وتراوح تركيز أيون البوتاسيوم بين (4.2-10) ملجم/لتر وتعتبر نتائج تحليل العينات ضمن الحد المسموح به، ويتراوح تركيز أيون النترات بين (1-41) ملجم/لتر وهو أيضاً ضمن الحدود المسموح بها ، وبالنسبة لتركيز أيون الكبريتات يتراوح بين (640-1480) ملجم/لتر سجلت العينة (5) أعلى قيمة والعينة (4) أدنى قيمة ، وتراوح تركيز أيون البيكربونات بين (122-366) ملجم/لتر سجلت العينة (9) أعلى قيمة والعينة (4) أدنى قيمة وتعتبر ضمن الحد المسموح به .ويرجع السبب في الغالب الى نوع احواض المياه الجوفية التي تتغذى منها المنطقة وندرة الأمطار التي تغذي تلك الأحواض مما تسبب في تركيز الأملاح بها ،واختلال الميزان المائي لتلك المنطقة بسبب ازدياد الطلب على الموارد المائية .
سماح حسن أبوبكر حسن، سماح حسن أبوبكر حسن، نهى على خلايفة، محمد ميلاد أرحومة، سماح حسن أبوبكر حسن، (06-2024)، مجلة القلم المبين: مجلة القلم المبين، 16
Journal ArticleAbstract
Analysis of reservoir characterization data are essential for understanding and managing the
subsurface hydrocarbon. Given that the Nubian Formation is one of the main hydrocarbon
formations in the Sirt basin, its petrophysical properties were examined at three wells (Q2-97, 3V3
and 3V4). The FlexInLog software is used in the current study to evaluate the petrophysical
characterizations using well logs and core analysis results. Petrophysical parameters such as
volume of shale, clay minerals type, porosity, permeability and fluid saturation, in addition to the
volume of matrix are evaluated by using the well log data. Sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, and
shale make up the majority of the Nubian Formation's lithology. The upper and lower Nubian
sandstone Formations are primarily composed of the clay minerals illite and chlorite, with minor
amounts of kaolinite and montmorillonite. 3. The effective porosity of Well Q2-97 is the highest,
averaging 9.9%; it reaches 7.6% in the 3V3 well and 6.52% in the 3V4 well. However, well 3V4
had the lowest average permeability value of 0.7 mD, whereas well Q2-97 had the highest average
of 2.3 mD. The 3V4 well, with a hydrocarbon saturation of 49%, has the largest net pay thickness,
reaching 324 feet. The 3V3 well followed it with a net pay 273 feet and high rate of hydrocarbon
saturation reached 66%. Compared to the other two wells, the Q2-97 well has the least amount of
net pay thickness, reaching 235 feet.Abstract
Analysis of reservoir characterization data are essential for understanding and managing the
subsurface hydrocarbon. Given that the Nubian Formation is one of the main hydrocarbon
formations in the Sirt basin, its petrophysical properties were examined at three wells (Q2-97, 3V3
and 3V4). The FlexInLog software is used in the current study to evaluate the petrophysical
characterizations using well logs and core analysis results. Petrophysical parameters such as
volume of shale, clay minerals type, porosity, permeability and fluid saturation, in addition to the
volume of matrix are evaluated by using the well log data. Sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, and
shale make up the majority of the Nubian Formation's lithology. The upper and lower Nubian
sandstone Formations are primarily composed of the clay minerals illite and chlorite, with minor
amounts of kaolinite and montmorillonite. 3. The effective porosity of Well Q2-97 is the highest,
averaging 9.9%; it reaches 7.6% in the 3V3 well and 6.52% in the 3V4 well. However, well 3V4
had the lowest average permeability value of 0.7 mD, whereas well Q2-97 had the highest average
of 2.3 mD. The 3V4 well, with a hydrocarbon saturation of 49%, has the largest net pay thickness,
reaching 324 feet. The 3V3 well followed it with a net pay 273 feet and high rate of hydrocarbon
saturation reached 66%. Compared to the other two wells, the Q2-97 well has the least amount of
net pay thickness, reaching 235 feet.
ABDULKAREM SWASI Mohamed Alfitori, (05-2024), الصين: international conference, 2
The Environmental, Human and Animal Effects of Using Potassium Bromate in Bread Industry and Chemical Analytical Methods
Journal ArticleBread is a staple food for many nations globally. It is prepared by mixing wheat or barley flour with water and other additives. Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is the most used additive in bread industry, because of its efficiency to make the bread cost-effective and favourable to consume. However, KBrO3 is toxic to human and animals due to its ability to affect several body organs, e.g., liver, bones, blood, renal and hepatic, therefore KBrO3 is classified as a carcinogenic chemical and banned for using in the bread industries in most countries. Even though, this material is still in use as bread improver in several countries, nevertheless several oxidising agents was suggested to use as replacements instead of KBrO3 that doesn’t have harmful effects to the consumers. Many technologies have been developed and applied to evaluate the residues of KBrO3 in bakery products. This review paper explored the use of potassium bromate as a flour additive, and its effect on human, animal and environment, and the chemical methods to assess its remains in bread industries.
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (05-2024), الجامعه الاسمريه: international conference, 2
Assessing the Drinking Water Quality, and its Commercial Purification Units Efficiency Distributed in Alassaba Municipality- Libya
Journal ArticleThe demand for drinking water is increasing daily due to the rising world population, alongside the leakage of water, overuse of groundwater, and occurrence of several pollution issues that led to reducing the quality of groundwater. Consequently, in most countries purifying water technologies have been used to obtain drinkable water. Nationally, Libyans use the purified water extensively in their daily needs. Accordingly, to ensure that our citizen utilize harmless water, the quality of the used water and the efficiency of purification units was assessed by analyzing several physical and chemical characteristics of purified water and raw water supplied to the purification units from some local wells and man-made river (MMR) using recommended standard methods. The study results showed that the quality of purified water is excellent, and the purification process reduced the pH, electro conductivity and the concentration of studied chemical properties significantly to values less than the optimum levels (OL) suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Libyan standards (LS) for drinking water. As a conclusion, the studied purified water may use in the daily needs of human with continuously analytical monitoring.
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (04-2024), جامعة سرت: Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 4
Isolation and identification of associated fungi and quantification of fungal toxin (aflatoxins) in locally grinded dried red pepper.
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract: Contamination of spices with aflatoxin is a serious global concern that affects human health and international trade. This study aims to isolate and identify fungi associated with locally ground dried red pepper samples, and quantification of aflatoxins concentration, and compare it with Libyan and international standard specifications. The results of the isolation and identification using nutritional medium potato agar extract (PDA) for 40 samples randomly selected from total samples, showed the isolation of 232 fungal isolates belonging to 3 genera of the genus Aspergillus spp., Acremonium sp., and Rhizopus sp., the isolated genera consist of 7 species, with the highest presence was of the fungi of the genus Aspergillus spp. at a rate of 99.14%, isolated Aspergillus spp. consist of 5 species with the most important species were A. flavus and A. niger, the results of fungal frequency showed the fungus A. flavus recorded the highest frequency, with a rate of 56.02%, followed by the fungus Aspergillus niger, with a rate of 35.80% .The results of extraction and quantification of total aflatoxin from 80 total samples at a detection limit higher than 0.25 ng/g showed the presence of aflatoxin in 69 samples (86.25%) at a concentration ranging between 0.250 and 41.33 ng/g, with an average concentration of 10.04 and 8.66 ng/g for the positive and total samples, respectively. The results of the study also showed that 57 samples (71.25%) were within the maximum permissible limits, and 23 samples (28.75%) of the total samples contained a concentration higher than the maximum permissible limits in the Libyan and the European union standard for the maximum limits of mycotoxins (aflatoxin) in some food contaminants, which constitutes a serious safety concern and indicates potential health risks to consumers, and confirms the need for urgent intervention strategies in order to implement agricultural practices. and following good manufacturing practice, and increasing awareness of the effects of the presence of these mycotoxins on human health. Keywords : Dry red pepper, food contaminants, aflatoxin, A. flavus. ELISA, moisture.
محمد احمد الرياني، (04-2024)، LIBYN Society OF FOOD & NUTRITION: LIBYN JOURNAL OF FOOD & NUTRITION، 1
Petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Peraluminous Orogenic Granite and Tertiary Phonolites from Jabal Fezzan in Southern Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract—The majority of Neoproterozoic rocks exposed in southern Libya, are comprised of intrusive coarse-grained porphyritic, two-mica, and high K-calc alkaline granite. The Jabal Fezzan Granite (JFG) is located in southwestern Libya. In this study, trace elements and whole-rock geochemistry have been used to understand the origin and the process of petrogenesis of the studied granites. The JFG is high-Si, Rb, Y, Nb, and (ASI values greater than 1.1). Mineralogically, it is characterized by the presence of minor muscovite and biotite and a lack of hornblende, exhibiting features of S-type granites, and having a character that belongs to an alkali-calcic series. According to geochemical value, light REE-enriched, characterized by moderate
enrichments in LREE (La/Sm), HREE, and weak negative Eu-anomalies. The geochemical modeling of the reveals that the JFG derived from the melting of the crust and underwent high fractional crystallization of plagioclase and K-feldspar at (H-P) conditions (750–980°C/1–4 GPa). The Jabal Fezzan (JFG(~50%) ) formed during Pan-African orogenic events during the destabilization of the interior Saharan metacraton due to compression stress and transpressive movements along pre-existing weakness and reactivation of shear zones inherited from Paleoproterozoic evolution. The Neoproterozoic basement forms the northernmost margin of the intracratonic Muruzq Basin, as evidenced by (greenschist facies) and intruded granitic rocksderived at the syn-collision stage (630–540 Ma)
(JFG) .
Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (03-2024), Pleiades Publishing,: Springer US, 32
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis In Pregnant Women
Journal ArticleAbstract: This study aims to analyzing demographic data of patients, isolate and identify Candida species, which causes vaginal infections, and a study of its prevalence among pregnant women in Sorman city, Libya.210 specimens collected from patients admitted to the Maternity Care Center in the combined clinic. carried immediately to the Microbiology Laboratory in the National Cancer Institute, Subrata, Libya for direct microscopy, culturing, and characterization. Each participant was given an interview questionnaire and asked about their age, educational level, employment position, and history of recurrent vaginal yeast infection. Chronic diseases were also listed on the data collecting form. Identification of Candida species using Chrome agar: A total of 100 isolates have been recovered in this study, of which 72isolates were obtained as pure cultures on Chrome agar medium. According to their color on Chrome agar, these 72 colonies were categorized to 5 main species namely Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis. Genotypic identification of Candida species in this investigation was validated by the ITS tree. Eight strains from this investigation were found in the Candida albicans clade, which had a high bootstrap value of 99 percent ML/99 percent MP. These were therefore identified as Candida albicans., Within the Candida glabrata clade, three isolates were grouped together, demonstrating a strong support value of 99% ML/99%MP. These strains were recognized as belonging to the C. glabrata species, while one isolate was recognized as belonging to the C. tropicalis species, with a high support value of 99% ML/99%MP.
Keywords: VVC infections, candidemia patients, genotypic identification, and Candida albicans
Mohamed Ahamed Al-Ryani, (03-2024), GLOBAL PUBLICATION HOUSE: International Journal of biological and medicine science, 3