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المنشورات العلمية

الرئيسية // المنشورات العلمية
Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on The Growth of icroorganisms Developing on Cave Wall Paintings
Conference paper

Abstract. The growth of lampenflora detracts the natural beauty of cave walls, and threatens their archaeological value.

This is a real problem in Malaysian caves, therefore, an attempt should be made to eliminate these unwanted microorganisms. Ultraviolet light destroys harmful microbes such as bacteria, yeast. molds, viruses and algae, and ultraviolet radiation is less toxic to cave dwellers such as birds, reptiles and visitors. So ultraviolet radiation can be a way to control microorganisms or reduce their numbers. In this study. we studied the effect of ultraviolet radiation on microorganisms isolated from selected Malaysian caves to control and eliminate them AlterS minutes exposure, 254mm UV-C effectively eliminated colonies of Pseudomonas aerginosa and Stenotrophomonas sp. But P. guilliermondi and

R. dairenensis were eliminated to the zero after 30 mivutes of treatment, but C. Liquefaciens needed 60 minutes to be treated. Synechochococcus sp and Micractinium sp. fell to zero after exposure to 240 of UV-C

M.A.Aisha, (09-2018), Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1994, 070006 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5048178 View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5048178 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1994/1 Published by the American Institute of Physics: international conference, 10

SDN in the home: A survey of home network solutions using Software Defined Networking
Journal Article

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an important paradigm shift of computer networking in the last 10 years. The concept of SDN is so powerful that the potential of applying it can easily be perceived beyond the initial use case of large data centre networks. We are motivated by this perception to explore the potential use of SDN in the context of home networks specifically, even though home environments were not the driving scenario behind SDN in the first years of its development. Lacking other reviews on the subject, we performed a focused search for every article that proposes, discusses or otherwise addresses the idea of implementing SDN in home networking. We surveyed four major technical and online databases (IEEE Xplore, ACM, ScienceDirect and Wiley) to ensure the inclusion of relevant, quality and authentic works. The final filtered set included 42 articles that spanned the period from 2010 to 2017. Most of the articles address specific aspects of controlling and managing home networks, such as Quality of Experience, security, Internet caps, Internet-of-Things device management and other specific themes, while the rest of articles address the generic case of managing home networks using SDN without a special focus on a particular target application. We derive a simple taxonomy for the works on home SDN and summarize the complete set of works, highlighting few points along the way and drawing few simple statistics.

Abdulkarim Mustafa Abdulkarim Alshanta, (01-2018), United Kingdom: Cogent Engineering, 5

Conference paper


مجموعة صخور النوبية الرملية هي واحدة من أهم التكوينات الحاملة النفط والغاز في حوض سرت العبادي [1]. وتتكون المجموعة من الرواسب غير البحرية من العصر الطباشيري السفلى وتنقسم إلى ثلاثة تشكيلات. الحجرالرملي النوبي السفلي ، والحجر الرملي العلوي النوبي والطبقة الصخرية الطينية تفصلهما اثنين من الأحجار الرملية، محليا تقسم الحجر الرملي النوبي السفلى و النوبي العلوي، مفصولة بالصخر الزيتي الأوسط. تحديد الصخور الحجرية له معنى مهم لتقدير احتياطي النفط من حيث كفاءة الخزان والقدرة على التخزين.ان تحديد هوية المعدنية للصخور من سرود الابار مهم جدا ،حيث عملت مقارنة بالرسم البياني ρma و ΔTma والعلاقة التحليلية لمعرفة بنية التركيب المعدني للخزان الرمل الصخري، وعرض البيئة الترسبية الرئيسية المؤثرة. بالإضافة إلى تأثيرات معدن البيرايت، في المواد العضوية في جميع هذه الخزان المدروسة بن غوار بم [2]. وبالتالي، فإن مجموعة متنوعة من قيم العلاقات البيانية ساهمت في ذلك خصوصا في المعادن الطينية الموجودة في هذا النوع من الخزانات. هذه الدراسة استندت إلى بيانات سرود الابار لاكثر من 872 Q2 قدم 646 3V3 قدم ، من أسفل إلى أعلى وفقا للخصائص الترسيبية والبيتروفيزيائية. وتمت عمل التحليل المتاحة (بالاضافة لقطع العينات في تكوين الحجر الرملي النوبي السفلي) من بعض الآبار التي تم حفرها في تراكيب 3, 59 V وفقا لعلم الرسوبيات والبترولوجيا والعمليات الدياجينيتيك التي ارتبطة بالتحليل مع النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من تفسيرسرود الابار . تحليل هذه السجلات استنادا إلى نتائج العلاقات البيانية المختلفة، بدعم من التحقيق البيتروغرافيك و الديجينيتيك، سمح بتحديد نوعية المعادن، وتحديد معادن الطينية في التكوين، وتقدير البيئة الترسيب. هذا التكوين تشمل الآبار 3v3 ،3v4، Q1و Q2. تحليل سرود الابار تم من خلالها الحصول علي معلومات هامة ,حيث الكوارتز نجده في كل النطاقات والطين الناتج من العمليات التحويرية نتج عنه الكاولينات في الجزء العلوي من منطقة الدراسة .أما معدن الاليت والسمكيتات الناتج من تحلل الطين والملتحم بالكلسيات والكاولينيات في الجزء الأوسط من النطاق والمونتومورليت و الاليت - الكاولينيات في الجزء السفلي . المادة اللاحمة لتكوين النوبه تكونت أساسا من إعادة التبلور للكوارتز و معها الانهيدرايت والكلوريت وبعض معادن الطين( الكاولينيات والكلورايت مع الاليت- سمكيتات ). الفحص البيتروغرافي يظهر أن الرمال هي مكوانات معدنية وتم نضوجها. وأسفرت العمليات الدجينية عن أنواع مختلفة من الإسمنت والكلوريت. إن التأكد من تحديد المعادن وتقدير التغيرات الترسيبية باستخدام مختلف العلاقات البيانية المتاحة والبيانات المستمدة من تحليل الكور اللنوبي السفلي هي رمال عادت متوسطة الحجم. وتعكس هذه القيم تكوين الكوارتز / الكاولينيت الأخير ووجود كربونات الحديد (على سبيل المثال سيديريت و / أو أنكيريت) والبيريت في السابق. تم تأكيد هذه الخصائص من قبل العلاقات البيانية (ماتريكس الكثافة) بالمقابل و (مقطع امتصاص عرضي من السرد). و (مؤشر امتصاص الكهروضوئية) ضد سجل TH / K وتأكيد الكاولينيت كاحد معادن الطينية الأكثر شيوعا. وتظهر مختلف القطع المتقاطعة التي تم الحصول عليها من تحليل سجلات أشعة جاما الطيفية. أن الحجر الرملي يتميز وبوفرة الثوريوم ، وكميات ضئيلة من البوتاسيوم واليورانيوم المحلي، وتفسر على أنها تشير إلى البيئة القارية النهرية. كميات أعلى من البوتاسيوم والصخر الزيتي الوسطى تحدد بيئة ترسيبة البحيرية.

ABDULKAREM SWASI Mohamed Alfitori, (09-2017), الموتمر العلمي الأول جامعة الزنتان: international conference, 1

AAPG "Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East
Technical Report

AAPG "Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East" GTW took place from 15-16 May 2017 at the Grand Hyatt Amman Hotel in Jordan.

The workshop was dedicated to knowledge sharing, exchanging ideas and workflows pertaining to exploration and development of siliciclastic reservoirs in the Middle East region. 44 industry professionals from 9 countries and 16 companies attended the workshop. The 15 presentations which formed the technical program covered the following topics:

  • Integrated Stratigraphic Techniques and Studies: A Better Way of Correlation
  • Understanding the Depositional Environments and Processes of Clastic Reservoirs
  • Structure, Geomechanics and Fluid Flow Properties of Siliciclastic Reservoirs
  • Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality: Assessment and Prediction

Core provided by National Petroleum Company, Jordan and Saudi Aramco was on display throughout the workshop. The core was carefully selected to compliment the technical program and participants had time each day to view and discuss the core samples.

Highlights of the workshop included two inaugural keynote speeches delivered by:

  • Sa'id Al Hajri, Saudi Aramco, AAPG Middle East Past President
  • Abdulkaker Abed, Professor of Geology, University of Jordan

All of the attendees also benefitted from informative breakout discussion sessions, held at the end of each day.

The workshop was followed by an optional two-day field trip to Wadi Rum (17-18 May 2017), led by Ahmed Masri, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jordan.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Saudi Aramco as the Platinum Sponsor of this workshop.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (05-2017), AAPG "Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Middle East: international conference,

Enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation by ZnxMyO (M ¼ Ni, Co, K, Na) nanorod arrays
Journal Article

The present work reports a facile approach to the one-pot solution growth of vertically

aligned, doped ZnO nanorod (NR) arrays by chemical bath deposition (CBD). The effects of

dopant ions on the final morphologies, electronic band structures and donor densities of

ZnO NRs were examined. With the introduction of dopants, the optical band gap energies

of the samples were reduced. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting performances

of the doped ZnO NRs were tested. When compared with pristine ZnO NRs, the doped ZnO

NRs demonstrated an improvement of at least 15% in the PEC water splitting activity. Nadoped ZnO NRs was the most efficient photoanode, where its photocurrent density was 2.1

times greater than that of pristine ZnO NRs. The mechanism for improved PEC performance was proposed

Wei Cheat Lee, Giacomo E. Canciani, Brnyia O.S. Alwhshe, Qiao Chen, (01-2016), England: International journal of hydrogen energy, 41

Micromorphology and histochemistry of leaf trichomes of Salvia aegyptiaca (Lamiaceae)
Journal Article

Abstract and figures

We performed a comprehensive study of trichomes considering the medicinal importance of the essential oils produced in glandular trichomes of Salvia aegyptiaca L. and lack of data about leaf trichome characteristics. Micromorphological and histochemical analyses of the trichomes of S. aegyptiaca were carried out using light and scanning electron microscopy. We report that the leaves contained abundant non-glandular unbranched trichomes and two types of glandular trichomes, peltate and capitate, on both leaf surfaces. The abaxial leaf side was covered with numerous peltate and capitate trichomes, while capitate trichomes were more abundant on the adaxial leaf side, where peltate trichomes were rarely observed. The non-glandular trichomes were unicellular papillae and multicellular, uniseriate, two-to-six-celled, erect or slightly leaning toward the epidermis. Peltate trichomes were composed of a basal cell, a short cylindrical stalk cell and a broad head of eight secretory cells arranged in a single circle. Capitate trichomes consisted of a one-celled glandular head, subtended by a stalk of variable length, and classified into two types: Capitate trichomes type I (or short-stalked glandular trichomes) and capitate trichomes type II (or long-stalked glandular trichomes). Histochemical tests showed that the secreted material in all types of S. aegyptiaca glandular trichomes was of a complex nature. Positive reactions to lipids for both types of glandular trichomes were obtained, with especially abundant secretion observed in peltate and capitate trichomes type II.

Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (12-2015), Serbia: Archives of Biological Sciences, 86

Isolation and identification of fungi associated with some Libyan foods
Journal Article
  • Cereal and its products can be contaminated with fungi in the field, during drying, processing, transportation and subsequent storage, which may lead to secretion of mycotoxins under favourable condition. The aim of this study was the isolation and identification of some fungi associated with four kinds of Libyan food products of different trademarks. Twenty four (24) samples of couscous, macaroni, wheat flour and rice regularly used for human consumption by Libyan family were collected from local markets in the city of Alzawia, west of Tripoli, Libya. The results reveal isolation of 113 isolates belonging to nine genera: Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Paecilomyces, Alternaria, Rhizopus, Mucor, Scopulariopsis and Cladosporum. Approximately 24 species were identified to belong to those isolated genera, several of which are known as main producer of mycotoxins especially A. flavus which are known to produce aflatoxins, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus carbonarious, Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium verrucosum known to produce ochratoxin and Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium chlamydosporum known to produce fumonisins and trichothecenes. Certainly, the occurrence of such types of mycotoxins can pose a health threatening risk for the consumer of those food items. Presence of these fungi in food products could be due to lack of good agriculture and food manufacturing practices throughout the food chain.
  • Key words: Couscous, macaroni, wheat flour, rice, fungi, Libya.

Mohamed Ahamed Alryani, (07-2015), academicjournal: African Journal of Food Science, 7

Libyan Thymus capitatus essential oil: antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and colon pathogen adhesion-inhibition properties
Journal Article


Aims: In the present work, the Libyan wild-growing Thymus capitatus essential oil (EO) was evaluated for its biological properties.

Methods and results: Carvacrol (68.19%) and thymol (12.29%) were found to be the main compounds of the oil. Antioxidant properties, determined by 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, revealed that IC50 values were 119, 403 and 105 μg ml(-1) for oil, thymol and carvacrol respectively. Microdilution method showed strong antibacterial and especially antifungal potential. Tetrazolium (MTT) colorimetric assay indicated moderate cytotoxicity towards human cell lines MRC-5, HCT 116 and HT-29 (IC50 = 30-150 μg ml(-1)). In adhesion-inhibition assay oil and main compounds reduced adhesion of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes on colon cells HT-29 (51 and 39% of inhibition against L. monocytogenes and E. coli respectively).

Conclusions: Essential oil of Th. capitatus showed moderate cytotoxic activity, together with excellent antimicrobial effect, in particular against fungi, and significant potential to reduce pathogen colonization in colon.

Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, A M Džamić, (06-2015), Germany: Appl Microbiol ., 119

Botryodiplodia sp. canker on Ficus benjamina in Egypt.
Journal Article

Abstract- Botryodiplodia sp. AUMC 9468 was isolated in pure culture from canker on Ficus benjamina, on side of Ibraheemia bank stream at Assiut governorate, Egypt. The analysis of growth condition suggested the trees were stressed induced by light, nutrient and medium factors. This report is the first for Botryodiplodia canker on F. benjamina in Egypt. The pathogenicity test were resulted on that the fungus was introduced with the trees, penetrated through bark wounds, and incubated under conditions stressful to the well-being of the tree.

Keywords- Canker,Ficus benjamina, Botryodiplodia.

Mohamed Ahamed Al-Ryani, (12-2013), World Research.: Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 1

High resolution melt analysis to track infections due to ribotype 027 Clostridium difficile
Journal Article

 The increased prevalence of hypervirulent ribotype 027 Clostridium difficile requires rapid identification of iso lates in ordertoimplementtimelyinfectioncontrol strategies. Highresolution melt(HRM) analysisof PCRprod ucts can identify strain variation amongst genera of bacteria. The intergenic (16S–23S rDNA) spacer region contains sequenceregionsconserved withingeneraandothersequenceregionvariablesbetweenspecieswithin genera. Wewished toinvestigate whether HRM analysis of PCR ribotyping products could identify ribotype 027 C. difficile. Ribotyping was performed on 93 clinical isolates and five control strains and band patterns were ana lysedusingGelComparII(AppliedMaths,USA).Real-timePCRusingribotypingprimerswasperformedandnor malised melt curves were generated. The HRM data was then imported into ScreenClust software (QIAGEN) to generate principal component analysis graphs depicting clustered relationships of strains. Ribotyping produced clear PCR bands for 88/98 isolates tested. Dendrograms generated by GelCompar showed a diversity of ribotype patterns amongst these 88 isolates with 18 groups identified with 70% homology. One clinical isolate showed 100%homologywiththecontrol027strains. ScreenClustanalysisofthe same88HRMresultsshowedclustering of isolates, with 027 strains identifiable as a unique cluster. HRM analysis correctly identified the control 027 stains and the clinical isolate shown to be 027. HRM combined with ScreenClust analysis of real-time PCR prod ucts of the 16S–23S rDNA spacer region successfully identified ribotype 027 strains. For infection control pur poses this was achieved within 2–3 h of colony isolation.

MOHAMED MOFTAH MOKHTAR SAID, Mohamed M. Said, (03-2012), ScienceDirect: Journal of Microbiological Methods, 89