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المنشورات العلمية

الرئيسية // المنشورات العلمية
Journal Article



 The groundwater aquifers in Azintan, northwestern Libya suffer from an acute shortage of water. The groundwater was evaluated to determine its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes from major two aquifers in north and south of Azintan area. This study carried out to assess the groundwater quality and to identify major affecting variables. Twelve samples from the two aquifers were collected. The two aquifers were collected and analyzed for total dissolved solid (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, CO32- and HCO3-. The results show that, the groundwater in many places is dominated by higher concentrations of Cl-, SO42- and HCO3-. Two water types were recognized in this region are Cl-SO4- Na-Ca and Cl-SO4-Na. Gibbs and Piper method, as well as the hardness, soluble sodium percentage and the permeability index all have been used to assess the diagram quality of the groundwater of aquifers. Further, the multiple correlations and Cluster Analysis of groundwater quality parameters were carried out for further classification and interpretation of the groundwater quality. Finally, water qualities in the study area are compared with Libyan standards and WHO guidelines of drinking water and irrigation  purposes.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (12-2021), International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology,: international conference, 6

The depositional environment, diagenetic and depositional settings of gypsum deposits from Bi'r El Ghanem, NW Libya.
Journal Article

This study considers the diagenetic processes and the depositional settings of Lower Jurassic gypsum of the Bi'r Elghanem Formation in the northwestern of Libya. The paleo-environment study has revealed a variety of depositional environment ranging from lagoonal to fluvial deposit and evaporitic basins, which become intensely saline as a result of evaporation due to (semi-) arid environments. Samples were analyzed using elemental analysis, statistical evaluation such as Multiple Correlations, Principal Component Analysis, and mineralogical evidence to determine their mode of environmental deposition, mineralogical and geochemical composition. The geochemical results indicate that gypsum has evidence of mineral substitutions and displacement, suggesting a homologous mechanism for lithofacies and subsequent textural change. The development of gypsum minerals in a variety of lithologies and textures is aided by eustatic fluctuations in lake water level due to regional tectonism and climate.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (11-2021), International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods: international conference, 11

Geochemical Characteristics of Upper Cretaceous Dolomite in Northwest Libya: Implications for Dolomitization and Diagenesis; El Zintansection as a Case Study
Journal Article

Lithostratigraphically, the Sidi As sid Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the El Zintan section (JabalNafusah, NW Libya) consists of three units: upper marl, middle marl with intercalations of dolostone, and lower dolostone. Based on crystal size and shape, three types of dolomite have been classified. Fine crystalline dolomite (D1) consists of nonplanar dolomites, fine to medium crystalline dolomite (D2), and very coarse, consisting of mostly planar dolomites (D-3). The Cathodoluminescence technique also showed that most of these dolomites have bright yellow to red and dull orange luminescence and zoning. Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), all dolomites are relatively well ordered and non to nearly stoichiometric dolomite. The stable isotopic studies and element analysis show that the major elements such as sodium (D1: 412.166 ppm; D2: 175 ppm; D3: 420 ppm), strontium (D1: 107 ppm; D2: 85 ppm; D3: 81.2 ppm), manganese (D1: 271 ppm; D2: 91 ppm; V3: 242 ppm), and iron (D1: 4856.66 ppm; D2: 373 ppm; D3: 3287 ppm) and the values of the stable isotope of oxygen (D1:-2.202‰; D2:-2.131; D3:-4.359‰) and carbon (D1: 2.080; D2: 2.076‰; D3: 1.581‰). The values of major elements and depletion of the carbon and oxygen isotopes can be related to the effects of temperature diagenetic, and mesosaline reflux of dolomitizing fluids during the early diagenesis. These dolomites originated in a tidal environment in this Formation. The major sources of magnesium for the dolomites are seawater and hypersaline fluids.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (10-2021), International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR): international conference, 10

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater aquifers in Azintan, Northwestern Libya
Journal Article

The groundwater aquifers in Azintan, northwestern Libya suffer from an acute shortage of water. The groundwater was evaluated to determine its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes from major two aquifers in north and south of Azintan area. This study carried out to assess the groundwater quality and to identify major affecting variables. Twelve samples from the two aquifers were collected. The two aquifers were collected and analyzed for total dissolved solid (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, CO32- and HCO3-. The results show that, the groundwater in many places is dominated by higher concentrations of Cl-, SO42- and HCO3-. Two water types were recognized in this region are Cl-SO4-Na-Ca and Cl-SO4-Na. Gibbs and Piper method, as well as the hardness, soluble sodium percentage and the permeability index all have been used to assess the diagram quality of the groundwater of aquifers. Further, the multiple correlations and Cluster Analysis of groundwater quality parameters were carried out for further classification and interpretation of the groundwater quality. Finally, water qualities in the study area are compared with Libyan standards and WHO guidelines of drinking water and irrigation purposes.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (04-2021), مجلة الجبل جامعة الزنتان: مجلة الجبل العلمية, 3

‏عزل و تشخيص أنواع المبيضات المسببة لمرض السلاق الفموي في الأطفال
مقال في مجلة علمية

‏و خمائر المبيضات هي فطريات تتواجد كجزء من فلورا جسم الإنسان باستطاعتها إحداث الامراض للاطفال الرضع أجريت هذه الدراسه لعزل وتشخيص خمائر المبيضات candida spp المسببة لداء السلاق الفموي

م.أ.عائشة، (03-2021)، ‏مجلة العلوم الإنسانية وطبيعيه السودان الخرطوم: ‏مجلة العلوم الإنسانية وطبيعيه، 4

دراسة مصادر وآثار البلاستيك دقيق الحبيبات على الصحة والبيئة البحرية
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

يعتبر وجود البلاستيك وخاصة دقيق الحبيبات المعروف ب Microplastics (MPs) في البيئة عامة والبيئة المائية خاصة مشكلة تلوث تواجه كل الأمم حاليا، وفي العقود الأخيرة شدت إنتباه الوسط العلمي وتم حصرها ورصدها ومتابعتها ببعض الأماكن، وخاصة تلك التي تعانى من كثافة سكانية عاليه للتقليل من مخاطرها المُحتمله علي البيئة والإنسان. ولزيادة التنبيه والإهتمام بهذه المشكلة، تمت دراسة العديد من البحوث والدرسات المسحية والمعمليه التى تناولت وجود وتأثيرات وكميات البلاستيك دقيق الحبيبات في البيئة المائية. إستهدفت هذه الدراسة بالتحليل التعريف ب MPsوحصر مصادره مصنفة إلى مصادر أوليه وثانوية، والتي ينتقل من خلالها الملايين من حبيبات MPs للأوساط المائية، ومنها ما ينتج من عمليات التحلل الضوئي والحيوي والأكسدة الحرارية والتميؤ والتي تحدث للبلاستيك كبير الحجم بالبيئة البحريه. وتم التطرق إلى الأثار البيئية المترتبة عن وجود MPs بالبحار والمحيطات على الكائنات المائية والإنسان، فنظراً لصغر حجم حبيباتها يتم إبتلاعها بواسطة الكائنات البحرية، وتتراكم بأجسامها مع الزمن مسببة لها أضرارعديدة تصل لنفوق بعض الأنواع، وتصل MPs للإنسان عبر غذائه البحري وتتراكم مع الزمن ببعض أنسجة الجسم الداخلية مسببة له أمراض خطيرة. وأخيراً تم التطرق إلى أكثر الطرق كفاءةً للتخلص من MPs وهو التحلل الحيوي بإستخدام الكائنات الحية الدقيقه حيث أثبتت بعض التجارب المعملية قدرتها على تفكيك البلاستيك لمواد أقل ضررا للبيئة. وخلصت المراجعة إلى أنMPs  تصل للبيئة المائية من مصادر مختلفه مسببة أخطار بيئية جمة علي الحياة البحرية والبشرية، وأن التحلل الحيوي إحدي أهم طرق التخلص منها، وذلك في محاولة لزيادة فهم مشكلة تلوث البيئة المائية بMPs.

سالم رحيمه سالم رحيمه، (03-2021)، المعهد العالى لتقنيات علوم البحار-صبراتة: international conference، 7

Response to salt stress of two wetland grasses of forage potentialities
Journal Article


The growth of two wetland forage grasses Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth. and Echinochloa stagnina (L.) P. Beauv. was investigated under NaCl salinity regarding the morphological traits, plant chemical composition, photosynthesis and the antioxidant enzymes POD and CAT. Plants of both species were irrigated with 0, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM NaCl in a sand/perlite mixture of 1:1 (v/v). Salinity negatively affected morphological traits and plant biomass of both species, particularly E. stagnina. Soluble sugars and proline within limits, protein contents of the foliage were increased to different extents by increasing salinity, but insoluble sugar decreased. K+/Na+ ratio of shoot and root of both species was decreased as a consequence of Na+ accumulation and restricted K+ uptake. NaCl salinity adversely affected photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency of both species particularly E. stagnina. Tolerance of L. fusca and E. stagnina to salinity stress can be based on stomatal closure and reduction in leaf area, in order to minimize water loss via transpiration and increase the activity of some antioxidant enzymes to detoxifying ROS generated during stress.

Omar Altaher Omar Alhlak, د. ممدوح سراح ود. هبة شعبان, (01-2021), المجلة البرازيلية لعلم النبات: دار العلوم, 35

Garlic alters the expression of putative virulence factor genes SIR2 and ECE1 in vulvovaginal C. albicans isolates
Journal Article

Vulvovaginal candidiasis causes sufferers much discomfort. Phytotherapy with garlic has been reported to be a possible alternative form of treatment; however, it is unknown why patients report varying success with this strategy. Fresh garlic extract has been shown to down-regulate the putative virulence gene, SIR2 in C. albicans. Our study aimed to see if previous observations were reproducible for the gene responsible for Candidalysin (ECE1). Two clinical strains from patients with reported variable efficacy of using garlic for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis were compared through biofilm assays and antimicrobial susceptibility. Real-time PCR was used to assess changes in gene expression when exposed to garlic. Treatment with fresh garlic extract and pure allicin (an active compound produced in cut garlic) resulted in a decrease in SIR2 expression in all strains. In contrast, ECE1 expression was up-regulated in a reference strain and an isolate from a patient unresponsive to garlic therapy, while in an isolate from a patient responsive to garlic therapy, down-regulation of ECE1 occurred. future studies that investigate the effectiveness of phytotherapies should take into account possible varying responses of individual strains and that gene expression may be amplified in the presence of serum.

MOHAMED M. SAID, (02-2020), Nature: scientific reports, 10

Isolation, Definition and Chemical Control some of the Bacteria that Cause Contamination of Wall Paintings in Caves
Journal Article

Background: Caves are unique natural features and habitats where specialized organisms grow. One of the world's main concerta is that of the conservation and preservation of our cultural heritage, including rock art and wall paintings within caves.

Methoda: This study was conducted by collecting the samples scraped from wall surfaces at 19 different location in painted caves of Niah cave, Sarawak, and Tempurung cave, Perak. Morphospecies identification and genomic DNA polymorphisms were used to identify the two strains of bacteria. The growth was controlled chemical method using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCi), Calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCI)k and hydrogen peroxide (H,O.).

Results: Morphospecies identification was carried out using a light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEMi, both the bacteria, bacteria I and bacteria II were isolated from the soil samples and were Gram-negative bacteria. Based on BLAST seareh, bacteria I showed 100% with Stenotrophomonas sp (NR 024708.1), and bacteria Il showed 100% with Cryptococcus figuefasens (NR 043289. 1). The growth was controlled chemical method using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI), Calcium hypochlorite Ca/OCt and hydrogen peroxide (HOy). The laboratory studies showed that three chemical were effectively eliminated colonies/cells of the both bacteria compared to the colonies found on the control pate this study.

Keywords: - Niah cave, Tempurung cave, Stenotrophomonas sp, Cryptococcus liquefaciens.

Aisha M.A, Fatma Mosbah Ali Al gorj, (10-2019), Open Access to Pharmaceutical and Medical Research © 2013-19, publisher and licensee AJPRD, This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted n commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 7

Petrography and Geochemistry of Urf suite from Aqaba complex, Southern Jordan
Journal Article

The Aqaba complex located at the southeastern of Jordan, exposes coexisting mafic-felsic association typical of syn-to pre-plate collision magmatism. The bulk of the pluton is made of quartz monzonite, granite and granodiorite. New U-Pb zircon dating revealed a synchronous emplacement of the granite (605 ± 4.6 and 617±3.7 Ma), granodiorite (613 ±4.4, 612 ±3.6 and 611.8±4.9 Ma) and quartz monzonite (608± 5.4 Ma). The whole-rock geochemistry indicate that the source for the quartz monzonite, granite and granodiorites could have been a continental arc-derived from mantle sources and mature metagreywackes. Melting of this crustal material was subduction related , which could have been an enriched mantle-derived melt contaminated. The Aqaba complex is a part of a the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) are juvenile in character, Neoproterozoic, including in addition five large plutonic suites ; Rahma , Darba , Rumman,Urf and Yutum suite. The genesis of these suites were likely induced by mantle-derived magma in the shallow crust while their spatially and temporally discrete emplacement at shallow levels was probably related to the (extensional) of lithospheric boundaries, which represent a feasible fertile source for such granitoids.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (11-2018), International Journal of Applied Engineering Research: international conference, 13